As a reputable consulting, training, and coaching firm, our team, led by Principal Consultant, Dr. Moslem Anoar, has an established track record of success in assisting entrepreneurs and organizations in achieving their goals. Our wealth of experience and expertise makes us uniquely qualified to serve as a catalyst for your business growth.

Throughout our careers, we have had the opportunity to work with a diverse client base, providing expert solutions to business challenges, improving operations, and enabling clients to achieve their objectives. Our approach is comprehensive and combines expert consulting services, customized training programs, and personalized coaching to ensure our clients receive the support and guidance they need to succeed.

Whether you are starting a new venture, seeking to expand an existing one, or aiming to optimize your human capital assets, we have the knowledge and experience to help you reach your full potential. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can support your journey to success.


Allow us to assist you in achieving your goals through our expertise and resources

We Consult

With a focus on human capital development, we strive to help clients achieve their goals by aligning their workforce strategies with their overall business objectives. Our range of services includes talent management, leadership development, performance improvement, and organizational design. We work closely with our clients to understand their unique needs and challenges and provide actionable insights and recommendations that drive results.

We Train

We are committed to empowering individuals and teams to reach their full potential. With extensive experience in both online and offline training, we have successfully developed the skills of thousands of people. We are confident in our ability to provide tailored training programs that will transform your team into a cohesive, productive, and highly effective unit.


We Coach

We understand that starting and running a business can be a challenging and overwhelming process. That is why we offer specialized coaching and guidance to entrepreneurs at all stages of their business journey. Whether you are in the early stages of starting up, need assistance in managing and growing your business, or simply want a sounding board for your ideas, we will work closely with you to provide personalized and hands-on support every step of the way.



A 5-Star resource person – Center For Modern Management

The facilitator is superb! I have learned a lot. I think I have improved my presentation skills. –  Drahman Sait, Executive Director

Honestly, the one and only speaker that didn’t make me fall asleep is Dato Dr. Hj Mohd Fadzilah Kamsah. But as for this program and Moslem Anoar, I am impressed. – Nurtashanazreen bte Abd Rahman, MySugarBites

The course is really interesting as it has never been organized before. It attracts my attention to become an online entrepreneur and as for Moslem, a 5-start trainer period! – Desron Dana

It is indeed a very good one. I first came across the instructor through a YouTube video where he shared something that changed my business powerfully and I got to know his lectures on Udemy and decided to enroll in his course. He is a man with vast experience and you will indeed learn a lot from him. I highly recommend him. – Segun Oloye

Great and powerful course (60-Minutes MBA). Short and very practical. This will cut much of the learning curve you need in business elements. This course provides the foundation tools and mindset also the strategy need for you to become a successful business owner. Thank you so much. 😊 – Enzo Coloso

Very interesting course (60-Minutes MBA). Strength to the point, on top of that Dr Anoar, brings real-life experience and that’s very appreciated.  – Gianni Paolo Peretti

I, Anisah, from Anisah Deen Enterprise, wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude for the knowledge imparted by Coach Dr. Moslem Anoar. From ground zero, I have become knowledgeable now. I had no idea about cash flow, how to acquire customers, social media, and even managing my own website. Without a coach, my business would have been lost. I’ve been in business for a long time but hadn’t seen growth until Dr. Moslem provided the right guidance. I pray for the coach’s health and continued success. Thank you, Coach Dr. Moslem. – Anisah Deen.

We want to express a million thanks to Coach Dr. Moslem Anoar for providing guidance in this BISNES 360 program, and mentorship to us small-scale entrepreneurs who previously only knew how to do business without clear goals and objectives. Hopefully, with this beneficial knowledge, it will lead us to success in this world and the hereafter. May Allah grant all our intentions and wishes, provide us with sustenance, and keep us in good health. Ameen. – Yusri and Khasyira.

Representing MAD TOP Company, we want to thank Coach Dr. Moslem Anoar for providing a lot of guidance and knowledge about business. Answering all the questions about marketing, cash flow, and building a website to develop our business. PROGRAM BISNES 360 is a program that opens the eyes and opportunities for micro-entrepreneurs like us to rise and expand our businesses. – Siti Nur Azerah and Syazrieen Azrieen Mohamad.

Assalamualaikum, I’m Syamimi, a participant in BISNES 360, wanted to express my gratitude to Coach Dr. Moslem Anoar for teaching the A to Z of business. Thanks also for kindly answering all the questions about business and providing guidance. Thank you for always providing words of encouragement. Lastly, thank you for sharing your knowledge. Alhamdulillah, may the coach be blessed with sustenance and may all your endeavors be made easy. Ameen. – Syamimi Amin

The content is excellent. The facilitator is very well-versed in the subject matter and full of experience and knowledge. – Girang Mang, Forest Department

Banyak kursus yang sudah saya hadiri tetapi inilah kursus yang paling banyak pengisian yang sangat berguna yang saya rasakan betul-betul dapat membantu ramai usahawan dari segi mengharungi pahit maung dunia KEUSAHAWANAN dan kewangan – Rabiah Amit Kek Lapis Sarawak

Kursus Pembentukan Nilai-Nilai Murni adalah satu kursus yang amat berguna dalam membentuk para graduan universiti menjadi lebih produktif dalam dunia sebenar perkerjaan. – Siti Hazimah Binti Drahman, Ibu Pejabat PBB

The content and presentation were extremely good. – Che Raimi Marican, CEO

Overall the content of this course fulfills our needs and is applicable in our workplace – satisfied. – Ahmad B. Mataral, Kementerian Awam Sarawak

The facilitator can communicate successfully with the participants and give the talk to us smoothly and also can answer and give good opinions that we can accept. – Randy Claudia, Pejabat Residen Bahagian Kuching

Practical straightforward tips and tools for delivering an effective presentation and it is very comprehensive. – Ishak Abdullah, Senior Manager.

Resource person atau fasilitator program seorang yang amat berpengetahuan, berpendidikan dan berpengalaman luas. – Jenau Adam, Planetarium Sultan Iskandar

I have never been exposed to project management yet I found that the content is suitable. It is more towards practicality which can let me apply it in the future. Mr. Moslem is a facilitator who can explain very well. I like this course very much. – Pui Chai Fung, Tropical Peat Research Laboratory Unit

The content is suitable for participants with little experience in project management. The facilitator can present the content lively and make learning a fun activity. Fun and easy to gauge the idea of project management. – W Sheau Sia, State Planning Unit

Interesting especially for newcomers. The knowledge can be used for government management to improve current practices in managing projects. The facilitator has a very wide knowledge of the program. Friendly and easy to consult –  Katherina Bidi, JKM, SIMU

Moslem Anoar has successfully delivered the content and objective of the course to the participants. I would recommend this module (course) shall be introduced in the induction (induksi) course for those that involve in directing project management.” – Mohd Saifrol Sheikh Naimullah, Jabatan Kerja Raya

Bersesuaian dengan bidang tugas dan boleh dipraktikan dalam amalan tugas seharian di pejabat. Fasilitator yan berpengetahuan mendalam apa yang dikongsikan dalam sesi latihan/kursus. Kursus ini perlu diperluaskan kepada semua pagawai dan didedahkan diperingkat awal perkhidmatan. – Awang Putrakasuma B. Awang Dolhan

I enjoyed the activities although not all the theories I really can understand. – Auldy Chaddy, Tropical Peat Research Laboratory Unit

The content of this course exposed me to project management. The facilitator is well-prepared for this course. He is an experienced and sophisticated person in the project management field. – Ting Sing Juo, Land & Survey HQ. 

The facilitator is very knowledgeable and has good PR. – Desmond Terry, Sewerage Service Department Sarawak.

Facilitator – participative and punctual. Interesting methods were applied to get dully attention of the participants. Resourceful in ideas. – Susiantie Abdul Karim

I find this course very informative and beneficial, not only to myself whose initial exposure to the subject was quite limited but also to my organization. – Thadeus Ling Allu, Ministry of Land Development

Program ini memeberi impak yang positif kepada saya setelah memahami erti sebenar nilai-nilai murni dalam menghadapi persekitaran pekerjaan yang mencabar pada hari ini. – Ja’erah Mohidin, SEDC Sarawak

Encik telah membuka mata saya dengan contoh dan pengalaman yang dikongsi bersama kami semua. – Syed Mohd Huszainor Al – Edrus, Perbadanan Kemajuan Perusahaan Kayu Sarawak (PUSAKA)

Program Pembentukan Nilai-nilai Murni adalah satu program yang akan membuka mata dan minda kepada sesiapa sahaja yang akan/bakal mengikutinya. – Roslan Bin Japar, Jabatan Pertanian Daerah Serian.

Fasilitator – Terbaik. Well prepared. Penyampaian berkesan dan interaksi dengan peserta sangat baik Program ini memberikan impak yang sangat positif kepada diri saya. – Latipah Beni, Pejabat Residen Samarahan

This program contains motivation to make people become good people. – Misabella Anak Miga, Pejabat Pertanian Daerah Serian, Bahagian Veterinary.

Kursus-kursus sebegini sememangnya penting kerana manusia seperti saya mudah lupa dan seringkali perlu diingatkan tentang nilai-nilai murni di dalam melaksanakan tugas dan tanggungjawab.” – Wan Bujang Bin Wan Lela, Jabatan Pertanian Daerah Serian

Jutaan ucapan terima kasih kepada En Moslem kerana telah menyedarkan saya untuk menjadi orang yang baik. – Nur Najihah Bujang, PBB HQ

“Mudah difahami dan amat memuaskan. Fasilitator mempunyai cara yang tersendiri dalam menyampaikan penerangan dan interaksi dua hala yang amat berkesan serta menyeluruh. – Saridah Ayek, Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak

Fasilitator yang bertugas sangat “caring” dan sudi bertanyakan kebanjikan para peserta semasa kursus diadakan. – Cik Husna, Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak

Menggunakan isu-isu terkini dalam perbincangan dengan para peserta. Seorang yang mempunyai altitude yang tinggi dan mengamalkan nilai rendah diri dan kesamarataan. – Wilfred Jelani Anak Langgai, Majlis Daerah Samarahan

Kebiasaannya saya selalu mengantuk apabila adanya kursus-kursus. Tapi dalam kursus ini saya tidak mengantuk dan saya boleh fokus. – Noor Mardiana Binti Jamel, DUN Sarawak

Saya amat berterima kasih kepada Moslem Anoar kerana memberikan pencerahan yang amat berharga sebagai ilmu pelengkap seorang usahawan. – Den Huzaiman bin Mohamad OP Sdn Bhd

Moslem Anoar tidak lokek dengan ilmu yang sangat berguna, beliau banyak memberi saranan dan panduan yang sepatutnya untuk menjadi usahawan Muslim yang sebenarnya. – Nor Azizah Mohamad Noraf Enterprise

Dengan pemilihan penceramah yang hebat, dapat saya mengetahui segala ilmu yang di kongsikan dengan baik. – Mohd Yusri, Myma Frozen Food Sdn Bhd

Kejayaan kepada program ini adalah sepenuhnya disebabkan oleh penceramah fasilitator Moslem Anoar yang cukup berpengalaman bukan sahaja dari segi ilmiah tetapi juga dari pengalaman yang sebenar. – Rugayah Abdul Rahim Syarikat Wangi Abadi

Terima kasih Moslem Hj Anoar kerana meluaskan pandangan dan minda saya dalam perniagaan yang berasaskan Islam. – Rozita Hipeni Syarikt Rozitahipeni Enterprise

Saya sungguh kagum melihat penyampaian beliau sepanjang kursus dijalankan. – Abon bin Kip Vonnes Farm

It’s OPEN MIND kursus untuk saya ingin berjinak dengan dunia keusahawanan. – Snah Ukong Ukong Design

Such a very good facilitator and listener to share and deliver his information to us. – Zurani Atika bt Abd Wahab MYMA Frozen Food Sdn Bhd

The trainer is very brilliant in presenting on sales and marketing courses with confidence, good ideas, and facts. – Maxullin Agam Pro-AccPlus Company

Ianya akan membantu saya dari segi mempromosi dan ingin menimba pengalaman lebih jauh lagi. – Hajijah Sirat

I have gained a lot from this workshop, especially in the area of strategy and priority of my work. – Ling Liang Hua

Kursus ini banyak membantu saya membuat sasaran (goal) dalam bidang kerjaya dan kehidupan. – Azzizi Azizan

Very excited because getting new knowledge /ideas I never learned/heard before. – Abd Mohammad Ahmad

This workshop is interesting and helped me to understand better in planning and achieving my goals. – Chua Liok Inn

Very informative. This is a great workshop for those who need self-discovery, fun yet able to deliver good input on knowledge of self-motivation and personal psychology behavior. – Kelly Kebil

A good workshop that shows a lot of formulas/tips for becoming a better me. – Hasni Darani

I am thankful that I attended this workshop, it gives me more confidence in myself. – Jennifer Lyne

Membantu memperbaiki diri dalam mengenal pasti kekuatan dan kelemahan yang ada pada diri sendiri. – Emilyawati Marzuki

Secara keseluruhannya , workshop ini telah mengajar saya tentang cara-cara bekerja dengan lebih efisien dan efektif melalui formula yang dikongsikan. – Dayang Hamisah

Motivate me to do/achieve my own goals. This workshop should be longer because it is very interesting. – Haryanti Hj Salleh Baihaki

It is good. I can know our strengths. I know how to set a goal and achieve it. I will keep it up and practice it in my daily life with family, friends, colleagues, and organizations. – Sim Seow Fung

Dr. Moslem Anoar
Principal Consultant

Dr. Moslem Anoar is a highly accomplished professional in both business management and academic guidance. With his wide-ranging expertise in entrepreneurship, portfolio and security analysis, business strategy, human capital development training, and PhD/postgraduate mentoring, he has devoted his career to assisting entities of all sizes to attain their desired outcomes.

Renowned as an author, speaker, coach, and consultant, Dr. Moslem stands out for his ability to offer invaluable insights and guidance to organizations and individuals seeking performance improvement. He is a dedicated mentor for PhD students and postgraduates, using his extensive academic experience to help them navigate the intricacies of their journey and excel in their respective fields.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur aspiring to elevate your business, a corporation aiming to develop your workforce, or a postgraduate student seeking insightful academic advice, Dr. Moslem possesses the knowledge and expertise to guide you towards success. His proven track record of accomplishments and unwavering passion for helping others make him the optimal choice for any entity or individual striving to enhance performance and realize their goals.

For personal coaching with Dr Moslem, kindly click the button below.


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